Lifts Directive
CE Marking for lifts has been a requirement since 1999. The Lifts Directive (2014/33/EU) is a replacement for the old Lifts Directive (95/16/EC) and entered into force on the 20th April 2016. It applies to lifts that are permanent fixtures for the transport of persons and goods.
The Directive applies to ‘Lifts’ defined as: ‘A lifting appliance serving specific levels having a carriage moving along a rigid path, inclined to an angle of more than 15 degrees to the horizontal’. Note that safety components for lifts are also covered by the Lifts Directive.
The following are examples of what is out of scope of the Directive:
• Construction site hoists;
• Escalators and mechanical walkways;
• Lifts for police or military purposes;
• Appliances intended for lifting performers during artistic performers
Conformity Requirements
CE Marking Lifts under the Directive has a number of routes to conformity, and is similar to the process for CE Marking Machinery. Based on the equipment type, a decision by the manufacturer is what determines what route is taken. The separate routes are shown below:

How we can help
The conformity assessment for lifts requires the involvement of a Notified Body, so therefore we are limited by the help that we can offer, however should you wish to talk to someone about CE marking and the conformity process, then please call us on 01564 792349.