New Blue Guide

The UK Government has recently issued updated guidance indicating that assessments carried out by an EU Notified Body prior to 31st December 2022 can be used to demonstrate conformity to UK legislation and thus apply the UKCA mark until the expiry of that assessment.
In effect, this means that EU Type Examination Certificates can be used to apply the UKCA mark for the lifetime of the certificate or up to 31st December 2027 (whichever is sooner) so long as the certificate was issued before 31st December this year. See here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/placing-manufactured-goods-on-the-market-in-great-britain
This derogation will apply so long as UK legislation continues to mirror EU legislation, although the guidance does state that there are no plans for UK legislation to diverge within the timescale.
Note that this derogation does not apply to Medical Devices and manufacturers should be aware that this is not an extension of the derogation allowing CE marked products to be placed on the UK market.
If you require assistance in identifying your CE or UKCA marking obligations, please contact us on 01546 792349 or by email: info@cemarkingassociation.co.uk
The UK Government yesterday announced potential changes to medical devices legislation in Great Britain. At present, medical devices placed on the GB market can, until July 2023, be CE Marked under the Medical Devices Regulations 2017/745, or UKCA marked under the UK Medical Devices Regulations 2002.
Details around the potential changes can be found here: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-to-strengthen-regulation-of-medical-devices-to-protect-patients.
At the moment, there is no indication of what these Regulations will contain beyond the explanatory note linked above. The CE Marking Association will continue to monitor medical devices regulations in the UK and keep our clients advised as more information becomes available.
If you need any assistance in CE or UKCA marking your medical devices, please contact us at info@cemarkingassociation.co.uk or by telephone on 01564 792349
It was fantastic to be back at the Southern Manufacturing Show earlier this month where we gave two seminars which looked at the CE Marking process in general as well as exploring recent or imminent changes to legislation and of course, Brexit!.
Members of our Technical Team were on hand to help and advise both before and after the seminars. If you are interested in ongoing support for your CE Marking requirements, we offer membership of the CE Marking Association, details of which can be found here.
We look forward to welcoming you at similar events in the future, please keep an eye on our website for details of future seminars.
A copy of the slides can be found here (File size 3.6Mb)
The CE Marking Association is delighted to announce our Partnership with Croner-i
Brexit has put a lot of additional pressures on businesses, not least on the fields of Product Compliance and Trade & Customs obligations.
As such, we’re pleased to be partnering with Croner-i the UK’s biggest business information provider. Croner-i have been supporting businesses since 1947 and have been recommended by businesses all over the UK, winning the Feefo’s Platinum Trusted Service Award in 2021 for consistently delivering excellence.
As a CE Marking Association member, you’ll get free access to Croner-i’s Trade-inform Lite an exclusive online resource featuring:
The ‘Lite’ version of Trade-inform is a great starting point on accessing trade industry news, guidance, and previews of Trade-inform’s full resources.
Plus, Croner-i is offering CE Marking Association members up to 30% off Croner-i’s Premium packages if you choose to upgrade. This will give you the complete suite of resources that you need to save time and give you peace of mind. Trade-inform gives you the tools to spend less time looking for answers, and more time putting plans into action.
To find out more, please contact the CE Marking Association; info@cemarkingassociation.co.uk or telephone us on 01564 792349