The following list(s) of harmonised standards referenced on the European Commission’s Official Journal have been updated in July & August 2013:
– Recreational craft:
– Energy labelling of household dishwashers:
The following list(s) of harmonised standards referenced on the European Commission’s Official Journal have been updated in July & August 2013:
– Recreational craft:
– Energy labelling of household dishwashers:
The Construction Products Regulation No. (EU) 305/2011 has now come into force and now requires Construction Products to be CE marked. The new Regulation, which came in force from the 1st July 2013 applies to products that are intended for permanent incorporation into a building or civil engineering works.
The old Directive (89/106/EEC) that has been replaced by the new Regulation, was required mandatory throughout most of Europe, except for a handful of member states (including the UK and Ireland) which opted to make the application of the Directive voluntary. Therefore leading to the majority of Construction Products within the UK never being CE marked. This situation has now changed and where a Construction Product is in scope it now MUST be CE marked.
The Regulation sets out harmonised rules on how to express the performance of the product in relation to its essential characteristics, which have been laid down in harmonised technical specification (such as a European Standards). Where a harmonised standard applies to a manufacturer’s product, they are required to draw up a Declaration of Performance and affix the CE mark.
Therefore not all Construction Products can be CE marked; it is only those products which are covered by a standard that is harmonised and listed in the Official Journal under the Construction Products Regulation shall be required to be CE Marked. (Although a voluntary route does exist and other CE marking Directives or Regulations may apply). Another important factor is that even where a harmonised standard does exist, the co-existence period may allow a manufacturer to refrain from CE marking until that co-existence period comes to an end. The standard, EN 1090-1, covering structural steelwork is a good example, as the co-existence period does not end until 1st July 2014.
The list of harmonised standards under the Construction Products was also updated just a few days before the Regulation came into force, so it is worth checking to see if any new standards have entered the list that may affect your products.
If you need further help and support with the Construction Products Regulation, then the CE Marking Association is running FREE ½ day seminars, with 1-on-1 sessions at the end of the seminar to help put manufacturers, importers and distributors on the right track.
Next FREE Seminar: 7th August 2013
Official Journal and harmonised standards: Construction Products Regulation
The Pyrotechnic Articles Directive (2007/23/EC) sets out requirements for manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers involved with placing pyrotechnic articles on the market. Products in scope must be CE marked once the process has been completed and the product has demonstrated that it complies with the Essential Safety Requirements within Annex I of the Directive. The UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills has recently published some new guidance notes on the application of the Pyrotechnic Articles Directive. They can be viewed in the following link:
Link to the text of the Directive.
The following list(s) of harmonised standards referenced on the European Commission’s Official Journal have been updated in June 2013.
The lists of harmonised standards that were published in June 2013 are:
For more help and advice on product compliance please call us on 01527 595066
Over the last 7 years the CE Marking Association have been regular speakers at manufacturing shows throughout the UK. The aim is to raise awareness of European Product Compliance and the routes available to manufacturers. Earlier this year we attended the Southern Electronics and Manufacturing Show in Farnborough, and now we will be presenting a FREE CE marking seminar the Northern Manufacturing & Electronics Show in Manchester on the 2nd October 2013.
At the Northern Show, Peter Evans, Principal Compliance Engineer at the CE Marking Association will discuss the changed in product legislation in 2013 and beyond and afterward will be available to discuss and answer any questions on product conformity.
The exhibition also features other free manufacturing related seminars and features hundreds of exhibitors with products and services that embrace all aspects of manufacturing and electronics. The Northern Show will be held at Event City in Manchester on the 2nd & 3rd October 2013 and like our CE Marking seminar on the 2nd October, the show is FREE to attend, so long as you are an industry professional. Free parking is also available.
If you would like to attend, then why not pre-register for free at