At the CE Marking Association we receive a lot questions from manufacturers and importers trying to learn more about the CE mark and one question that regularly crops up is about the Chinese Export mark, so we thought we would share our opinion on the matter.
A client recently told us that they had heard that the China Export mark was a ‘legitimate label’ and was concerned about potential customers becoming confused and wondered whether it had any ‘legitimacy’ in any market; Europe or world-wide?

The CE Marking Association has held the view for a long time that the China Export mark is not valid mark and it is actually just the European CE mark that does not respect the dimensions and proportions given within the Directives. Our view is also supported by the European Parliament, who were asked to respond to questions related to the ‘China Export’ mark. In summary they believe there is a misconception about the CE mark meaning ‘Chinese export’ and they go onto say that the Commission is not aware of the existence of a ‘China export mark’.
So our advise to manufacturers and importers to be wary of the use of the China Export mark and be sure that, where it is required, the product or machine is compliant to the relevant CE Marking Directives.
If you need support with CE Marking, then please contact us on 01564 792349.
See the European Parliament’s answers the questions on the Chinese Export Mark:
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