Latest CE Marking News
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The following articles are the most recent articles relating to product legislation. If you would like to discuss any of the following topics in further detail with a technical members of staff, then please contact us on 01564 792349.
Harmonised Standards and the Official Journal

Some of you may have noticed that under certain CE Marking Directives (at the moment: Machinery, PPE and Construction Products), the list of Harmonised Standards has disappeared from the Official Journal. This is the new format that the European Union will be using to publish Harmonised Standards and is as a result of Regulation (EU) […]
March 25, 2019

UPDATE: As you may have recently heard, the date of the UK’s Departure from the European Union has been delayed until May 22nd if the UK Parliament agree the Withdrawal Agreement or until April 12th if it doesn’t. We look at how this may affect your CE Marking obligations. Note: At the time of writing, […]
March 18, 2019
Which revision of a Standard should I use?

Harmonised Standards, although not forming part of the legislative requirements (with some exceptions e.g. Construction Products), offer the ‘best practice’ route to demonstrating conformity to the relevant CE Marking legislation. A number of common Standards have undergone either amendment or re-issue which has spawned a number of queries regarding which revisions of Standards should be […]
February 8, 2019
CE Marking Association at the Southern Manufacturing Show 2019

Over 140 people attended the three CE Marking Seminars given at the Southern Manufacturing Show earlier this month which looked at the CE Marking process in general as well as exploring recent or imminent changes to legislation and of course, Brexit!. Members of our Technical Team were on hand to help and advise both before […]
January 22, 2019

The CE Marking Association is once again attending the Southern Manufacturing & Electronics Show (Farnborough International) providing CE marking seminars. This year, Representatives of the CE Marking Association will give an overview of the CE marking process, discuss the implications of BREXIT and look forward to any changes in product legislation. At the end of […]